Monday 27 July 2020

🙏Deva pooja

*Deva Pūja - Part 3:*

*Importance of Deva Pūja:*

*Bimba-Pratibimba vāda:*

This Bimba-Pratibimba is the relation between God and soul.

If we take bima and pratibimba in literal sense, it may appear like an object and it's mirror image. But, that is not the case here.

Many philosophers tried to explain the relationship between Paramātma and a soul or jīva. As per Māyāvada, popularly known as Advaita today, Brahman alone is Satya or Truth. The concept of jīva is an illusion. In reality, only Paramātma exists and in the light of knowledge, jīva realizes himself as Paramātma. But, there are logical flaws in this theory. If jīva is non-existent, then who has ignorance and who should do sadhane for liberation in first place? The Paramātma is already omniscient and in ever liberated state.

As per Sri Vaishnava Visishtadvaita Philosophy, this relation between Paramātma and jīva is like the body and soul relationship. This is also not convincing. Actually, Swaroopa or form or body of Lord is indifferent from Lord Himself. So, the indweller as Paramātma and a jīva as His body is not acceptable. Though Paramātma is indweller of jīva eternally, there is bedha or difference between Paramātma and jīva.

Likewise, various Philosophers tried to explain this relationship.

Shri Madhvacharya was not convinced with any of these kind of interpretations and he propounded the right interpretation of relationship in the form of Bimba-Pratibimba Vāda. This Bimba-Pratibimba should not be treated as an object and it's own mirror image, but it shows dependency of a jīva to his Bimba roopa Paramātma. The movements or even very existence of an image (Pratibimba) depends on it's Bimba. In that way, a jīva or Pratibimba is totally dependent on Lord Hari in Bimba roopa.

This Vāda is addressed in many places with Pramanas. For example, the following occurs in Rig Veda VI.47.18.

रूपं रूपं प्रतिरूपो बभूव तदस्य रूपं प्रतिचक्षणाय।

rūpaṃ rūpaṃ pratirūpo babhūva tadasya rūpaṃ praticakṣaṇāya।

Above means, "In each form of jīva, the Lord becomes original form. His form is for this jīva to perceive."

So, it is clear that Paramātma Lord Hari (Bimba) is indweller of each jīva (Pratibimba) and every Mukti Yogya jīva should have direct perception of his Bimba rūpa Paramātma for Moksha or liberation.

So, where is this Bimba rūpa Paramātma present in each jīva? What should we do to have direct vision of Him? How to start with?

Let us discuss further. 

Sarvam Shri Srinivāsārpanamastu!

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