Monday 27 July 2020

🙏 Importance of Deva pooja

*Deva Pūja - Part 2:*

*Importance of Deva Pūja:*

In the beginning of creation, Lord Sriman Narayana and Lordess Mahalakshmi alone were present. 

Creation has no beginning. Beginning of creation means beginning of a new creation post Maha Pralaya. 

jīvas were held in womb by Lord Sriman Narayana. After new creation, jīvas who are eternally classified into three types viz Mukti Yogyas, Nithya Samsaris and Tamo Yogyas based on their Yogyatha were created in this universe with the physical bodies. Those jīvas proceed doing sadhane towards their own destinies. Mukti Yogyas are capable of being devoted to Lord and enjoy their swaroopananda in Vaikunta, whereas Nitya Samsaris and Tamo Yogyas are Mukti Ayogyas.

Parabrahma or Lord Sriman Narayana creates, sustains and destroys the universe, He directs all jīvas being their indweller, He grants jnana and Moksha to deserving souls and ajnana and bondage to undeserving souls. So, He mainly has eight fold functions viz creation, sustenance, destruction, directing souls, giving knowledge and ignorance and granting liberation and bondage respectively.

Among these eight fold functions, Niyamana or directing the jīvas being indweller, towards their destiny is an important function of Paramātma. It is to be understood that Lord Sriman Narayana or Maha Vishnu is Parabrahma. Mahalakshmi is Nitya Muktai or ever liberated and free from sorrow. Rest all, including Devatas are jīvas only. However, there is gradation among these jīvas as well.

To understand how Lord indwells in every jīva and make them function, we shall understand Bimba-Pratibimba relationship. 

If Lord Hari is Bimba, jīvas are Pratibimbās. This Bimba-Pratibimba vāda is very big to cover. However, let us see atleast one or two facts in relation to that.

(Note: Please don't think that I am covering something that is not related to Deva Pūja. After completing these explanations, one can understand what am i trying to explain).

Sarvam Shri Srinivāsārpanamastu!

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