Monday 27 July 2020

தேவர பூஜை/worshipping God

*Deva Pūja: - Part 1:*

Shri Hanuma Bhīma Madhvāntargata Shri Rāma Krishna Vedavyāsātmaka Shri Lakshmi Hayagrīvāya Namaḥ! Harīḥ Om!

After offering my prayers to Hari-vayu Gurugalu, I offer my prayers to Shri Rāghavendra Swāmy, my Prathyaksha Guru and to my Vidhya Guru Chrompet Shri R Sridharan Swamy.

I infact try to write this Deva Pooja based on the guidelines provided by Guru Chrompet Shri R Sridharan in Tattvavaada Bindu through a set of articles on Deva Pooja. At every step of writing, I requested him to guide me and I am blessed that he agreed.

There are lot of books on Deva Pooja. My work on this topic may not make a big difference. However, let me do it to please Lord Vasudeva by submitting and offering the work to Him via Mukhya Prana Swamy who incarnated as Shri Madhvacharya.

Before getting into Deva Pooja, I wish to cover some portion of Tattvavaada philosophy and relate it to Deva pooja, thereby explaining the importance of Deva pooja from next post.

I wish to take suitable references from Tantra Sāra Sangraha, one of Sarvamūla Granthas of Srimad Achārya and Padyamāla, a work of Shri Jayatīrthar, popularly known as Tīkāchārya.

Sarvam Shri Srinivāsārpanamastu!

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